Sustainable Impact Winner

Midlands partnership


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Brief Description:

Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS) has been successful in primary care for 18 years and Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) in collaboration with NHS England and Cleo, successfully deployed EPS as a first of type to secondary care, digitising paper processes of sending prescriptions to pharmacies. Before EPS, prescribers were hand-writing paper prescriptions, posting or delivering them, or patients often having to travel to collect. Now prescriptions are sent electronically to the patients chosen pharmacy, enabling sustainability, reducing carbon footprint from delivery, increasing patient safety, and freeing time for prescribers to see more patients in clinics.

Prescribers recognised that existing processes lacked standardisation, resulting in inefficiencies, wasting valuable time and resources. Patients would either attend site to collect prescriptions, have them posted or staff had to make trips for drop-offs and medication collections.