Screen Share UK

Screen Share

Social Impact Award - Digital Poverty


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Brief description:

Screen Share has grown from a lockdown bedroom-project into the largest provider of technology to refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. We are the only refugee digital inclusion charity to cover the whole of the UK. We have so far digitally included 671 refugees by distributing laptops, phones, tablets, software, SIM Cards and digital skills training. We have done this by mobilising dozens of people in the tech sector to run basic refurbishment on devices in their own time and advocate for donations of tech. We are run by a combination of tech and refugee sector professionals. We have so far digitally included 671 refugees.

Why entering?

Our founder Moses was awarded runner up in the category young digital leader of the year a couple of years ago and we have been nominated again. Our achievement has been to establish the biggest digital poverty organisation specifically for refugees. The problem of digital poverty is more complex for this community because many have limited experience of tech thus far (and are nonetheless expected to participate fully in our digital world) and because many do not yet speak English, which slows everything down.

Tech is part of the answer to the difficult policy questions we see on the news. In order for asylum applications to be processed quickly and for refugees to integrate, tech is a necessity, and yet this area has been underserved in the refugee space so far. There is an urgent need for collaboration between the two sectors and government to process applications swiftly and keep people from the margins of society.

We have grown incredibly quickly thanks to tech professionals choosing to give up a couple of hours a week to work through devices, and we have shown the power of tech for people of all ages from all across the world. We have built a community and developed expertise in quick, remote laptop refurbishment and in 2024 will roll out laptop refurbishment training for refugees themselves - the first organisation to see the digitally excluded as part of the solution to the problem.

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