BERRI is a digital toolset that can identify, track and support the psychological needs of children, providing individualised reports to advise their carers. It assesses needs across the domains of Behaviour, Emotional-wellbeing, Relationships, Risk and Indicators of underlying conditions for children and young people aged from 4 to 21. BERRI can then compare the level and pattern of scores to those of thousands of other children, to produce individualised advice on how to support them. This is a giant step forward compared to paper measures that take clinician time to score and interpret.
We have made numerous ground-breaking clinical insights over the last 12 months, including being able to capture the voice of young people about their psychological wellbeing and perceptions of support, their strengths and the specificity with which we can model how a child has progressed in the context of the life events they have experienced. We have developed bespoked insight reports to benchmark population needs for local authority partners aiding their sufficiency planning. And we have helped over 90 children step down from residential care back to families, saving the purse an estimated £50 million in placement costs and over £100 million in lifetime costs whilst improving the happiness of vulnerable children, the support for caregivers, insights for professionals and positively influencing the life course of thousands of children.